About LM-GlycoRepo

LM-GlycoRepo is a repository for lectin-assisted multimodality data. The current version (ver.1.0) is specialized for mouse tissue glycome mapping data obtained by laser microdissection (LMD)-assisted lectin microarray (LMA) (Zou et al. Sci Rep 2017). Users can deposit data sets of LMD images, LMA data, and high-resolution histological images including staining images with multiple lectins on the array. As this repository system is implemented based on GlycoPOST, users can deposit such data sets with a unique identifier for the paper publication and suspend (or "embargo") until their paper is published. After the release date set by users, the deposited data will be visible at a visualization tool called LM-GlycomeAtlas.
Please see [more details] for relevant information including references.

Submission conditions are in accordance with the Minimum Information Required for a Glycomics Experiment (MIRAGE) guidelines.



This repository system was implemented based on GlycoPOST.
GlycoPOST logo


Please cite the following article when using LM-GlycoRepo:
Nagai-Okatani C, Fujita N, Boottanun P, Tanaka M, Shiota M, Shinmachi D, Angata K, Aoki-Kinoshita K, Kuno A. LM-GlycoRepo Version 1.0: A novel repository system for lectin microarray-based mouse tissue glycome mapping data. (submitted) doi:XXXXXX


4 project are registered. 4 are opened.

Data list

ID Project title Species Group Tissue No. of lection array data No. of staining images Publication Principle investigator Announcement date
1 Reference 1 Mouse C57BL/6J Pancreas, Heart, Lung, Thymus, Gallbladder, Stomach, Small Bowel, Colon, Skin 234 0 true Administrator, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2019/8/15
2 Reference 2 Mouse C57BL/6J Brain, Kidney, Liver, Spleen, Testis 182 0 true Administrator, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2017/3/6
3 Reference 3 Mouse Normal, DCM Heart 27 42 true Administrator, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2019/6/28
4 Reference 4 Mouse 2M_TMIG, 14M_TMIG, 23M_TMIG Heart 66 0 true Administrator, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2022/12/22

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